Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Well this is my first post so im just learning the whole blogging thing, Hopefully i dont suck at it.  :)  Today is Halloween i hope everyone has had a good one.  This is my husband and i's first Halloween passing out candy.  We were both so excited to have all the trick-or-treaters.  We had a total of 2.  We are very disappointed.  More candy for us though (not that we need it)  Landon has been quite sick the last day or so.  We were not sure we would even get him out, but he seemed to start feeling a little better so we went to our neighbors house to take him trick or treating.  He got a little bag of candy from Gina, and Mike, and the neighbors across the street gave him three snickers.  He was dressed up as a monkey, and had a baby pumpkin that Gina let him borrow.  I'd say he made it out pretty good!  It has been an eventful Fall for us so far.  We had a command halloween ball on Friday night.  I went as Marylan Monroe, and my husband went as a Hilbilly.  Let me tell you he looked exactly like one.  Well that is all for today, time for relaxiation with the hubby before he has to go back to work tomorrow.