Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sunny days, and warm weather

Hello Bloggers,

Today was a beautiful day here in Washington.  My family and i went to the beach/park to enjoy the weather.  Above were some photos taken from the day.  I wanted to share so many but there were quite a few.  It was 57 degrees and the sun was out.  Im so thankful that my husband was able to be off work today to spend the day with us. 

Yesterday i was able to go down to the boat for Family Day.  I didn't think i was going to be able to, but i found a babysitter at the last minute.  It was fun.  It was a long process to get through the security and all that but it was worth it.  I give all of the sailors who are on subs big props.  I personally don't think i could do it.  It's tight areas, and the food isnt the best.  There was so many neat things to see.  It was great being able to see where he slept, ate, worked, and spent his free time.  It is something that i def. want to take Landon to see when he gets older.  My husband was also so kind to get me a USS Nebraska sweatshirt.  I have been asking for one for months.  Finally yesterday he had them put it on his rec bill.  I think to finally get me to shut up :)  Since we bought the sweatshirt we also received a free 8x10 of the boat, and some interesting info on the back.  It was amazing being able to share that expierence.  I only wish i could have had pictures, its not allowed though which i understand. 

Things have been pretty busy on my end.  Landon is moving all over the place, so im constantly after him.  We have started packing up the things that we don't really wear/use.  Also Travis started clearing out the work shop today, and getting a ton of stuff ready for goodwill.  April will be here before we know it and we'll be moving again.  The whole moving process is not fun.  I just know that after this im done moving until we get new orders to a different state.  Then the Navy moves us!  Anyways for now i need to get Trav's new patches put on his uniforms.  Have a great night


  1. do I get to see what you are getting rid of to goodwill? Hey I never did see those christmas bulbs on your tree..the red ones with the cardinals..please don't tell me those are in the goodwill bin..glad you had a good time on the sub...and loved the photos of you today too..hoping you get to stay and not have to move..;) see you tomorrow..;)

  2. Landon is such a cute and handsome little guy...the photos are adorable, of all of you! I don't envy you having to's one of the things that comes with the military. I met Don long after he was retired and we still ended up moving all over the place. Hope Gina get a chance to check out your Goodwill bin...she's so great at recycling! Hope you'll be able to continue your blog when you move...I like coming to visit...
