Friday, November 19, 2010

Call us Crazy

Hello Bloggers!!!  I hope everyone has been staying warm.  I know here in the wonderful state of Washington it has been really cold and rainy.  Above are the pictures i promised of my nephew Layton, the top one is my sister with him.  Im so happy to have another healthy baby added to our family.  I hope to make it home soon to see him!  I know they get big so fast!!!

Landon and i have been doing some Christmas shopping online, and yesterday my husband got home earlier than expected.  The fed-ex guy stopped and dropped off one of his gifts, of course he found out what it was..He just couldn't wait to try it out.  It was a tent.  It was suppose to be from Landon so we got some pictures of him and daddy sitting in it.  Travis loved it and i was a little sad that the surprise was ruined but i made him fit everything back the way it came and it's still going under the tree for Christmas.  Did i mention he put it up in our living room???  It was huge took up almost the whole open area. 

There is the "call us crazy" part.  I started working on stockings just to have something to do, and my husband gets out the Christmas lights!!!  We only have them up in two of our windows, but he also hung up our greeting cover for our door.  We are not putting the rest of the decorations  up until Thanksgiving night though.  We are starting a family tradition.  I honestly think we are both so excited about the holidays because last year he was deployed, so this will be our first year together and with Landon.  Im not skipping Thanksgiving though.  Every night after we get Landon to bed we sit down and talk about what we are most thankful for that day.  It actually nice to be able to sit down and talk about it.  For Thanksgiving this year, we are taking some turkey and stuffing to a friend whos husband is deployed.  She doesn't have any family here so we figured it would be nice..then we are going to go to Ginas that evening for some more good food.  I know if i was alone on Thanksgiving my friend would do the same for me.  Im hoping for a great day!!!  My lil guy has not been feeling the best, he has been coughing and has had a runny nose.  I had plans to go to a bazzar event today but was not able to go due to my husband having a dentist appt and so i had to stay with Landon.  I was really bummed but i hope there will be more to come. 

After a cold and rainy day this is how it ends, a big cup of hot chocolate with extra marshmellows!!!! :)
Goodnight blog land, stay warm and dry


  1. Oh your home is looking festive!!! I love your lights and the door cover is nice to see someone else on the block decorating Like I the new tent too..and that hot cocoa looks so good..I got some yesterday along with egg you like egg nog? and your nephew looks adorable...glad he is doing well..see you in the hood.;)

  2. oh and I love your header photo..he is just too cute.;)

  3. Landon looks adorable on the new header! It's wonderful your hubby has the excitement for the holidays with his family.You are so blessed.Good friends,neighbors and home.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  4. I hope your lil' guy gets to feeling better! LOVE the tent in the living room, LOL, and I have all my stuff up, it's NOT too early;)

  5. Things are looking festive around your house...and that big smile your hubby has...I can tell the tent was a hit and will still be a hit Christmas morning! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
